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04/26/2023 - Week of AI Controversy


                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

AI Filter Dali

AI Filter Dali/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

I'm shocked and pleased that some of our art has stirred up a bit of a debate! WHAT IS ART? There are a lot of new tools to make AI art and some people consider them worse than anything else! They steal people's art and according to me, they have no soul.

With the help of some friends I tried to generate some AI art using my own images as the input for the AI to draw over. I figure since its mostly my work, and the styles used are pretty public its not really stealing. Also to me AI art is a tool, like a new kind of marker or any other type of art supply, and thus, yes AI art is art. Though like any tool, there are limitations and getting hooked on one tool can be more of a crutch at times.

I would love to work with AI that is only trained on public domain or meuseum artworks rather than some kids Deviant Art scrapped off the web through dubious legal trickery, of course.

AI Filter Grafiti

AI Filter Grafiti/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

AI Filter Renaissance

AI Filter Renaissance/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

AI Filter Comic Book 1

AI Filter Comic Book 1/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

AI Filter Comic Book 2

AI Filter Comic Book 2/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

AI Filter Disney

AI Filter Disney/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

Comments from the Peanut Gallery

There was a big kerfuffle on Reddit about this art! The moderators of the Abstract Art group even banned a bunch of people: here is the thread for the full discussion

"Your drawing is genuinely more interesting without the AI edit. You should upload it."

Controversy Reddit Thread: doodlebilly

"bro you're a really good artist. you're too good for AI lol."

Controversy Reddit Thread: Galactic_Gooner

"Oh I see. I was slight confused by how it exactly works. And your original drawing is Very close to the AI. It definitely captures the mood and message of the drawing. It’s very cool and I love the image you created ! Never give up your art ! The Disney one is kinda funny !"

Controversy Reddit Thread: Piano_mike_2063

"is there a sub rule against ai art? this is amazing. if it looks good it is good. i don’t care where it came from or what "the process" was. i can’t see or feel any of that. cool art OP."

Controversy Reddit Thread: WillOrph

"OP, this is quite close to the edge of representational. Just FYI. We remove pieces we feel are too representational."

Controversy Reddit Thread: vermithrax (Moderator of group)

If you have a comment email coffeedoodleart@gmail.com

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