Welcome to CoffeeDoodle.Art

03/27/2023 - Week of New Orleans


                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

River Cake

River Cake/>
                    <footer class=Art By Lily Jupiter

Big week in the big easy to celebrate Michael's cousin's wedding. We took a little trip and would like to give you a flavor for Bourbon Street.

"River Cake," "Day and Night," "New Orleans" and "Jazz Town" were all inspired by the sights and sounds of our trip.

"Nirvana" was a request for a friend who likes both retro games and grunge rock.

Day and Night

Day and Night/>
                    <footer class=Art By Lily Jupiter

New Orleans

New Orleans/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno


                    <footer class=Art By Lily Jupiter

Pyramid Belt

Pyramid Belt/>
                    <footer class=Art By Lily Jupiter

Screaming Dragon

Screaming Dragon/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

Jazz Town

Jazz Town/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

Comments from the Peanut Gallery

Here's what some people have said about this week's drawings:

"cool doodles"

Bad Games with Adrien Discord: 2bඞllmඞn♾v

"I do like the pixelated logo head reference and al the background drawings."

NYC Gaming Discord: Nicholas.Papadoulakis

"Alien head reminds me of something"

16bit nights Discord: bob


16bit nights Discord: Predator

"Awesome work"

Coffee Doodle Group about "River Cake": Johnathan Floyd

If you have a comment email coffeedoodleart@gmail.com

Silverware Games