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01/02/2023 - Week of World Building

Atom Mill

Atom Mill/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

Milpool's Dignity

Milpool's Dignity/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno

A week of constructed Cities, from Boston to Springfield. "Milpool's Diginity" is a take on the classic Simpsons character drawn with a bit of his dad's abstract flair. "Atom Mill" is clearly a nuclear plant of some kind. "Inter-Space-Dimension" is Lily's take on the multiverse, including some normal dimensions as well as neurons and the dimension of lost things. "Tower of Happiness" is Michael's wish that happiness is what the people at the top of the tower are trying to provide!

Tower of Happiness

Tower of Happiness/>
                    <footer class=Art By Michaelplzno


                    <footer class=Art By Lily Jupiter
Silverware Games